How does lift control work for both residents and users?
This article explains how 2Smart IPassan lift integration works for both residents and visitors.
Residents People who live in the building and therefore have an iPassan key fob, will use their key fob to enter the main door of the building by swiping the reader on the 2Smart panel. When the resident arrives at the lift, they will press the lift call button to call the lift to the ground floor. Once inside the lift they will swipe the reader which will enable the button for the floor where they live. When the resident leaves their apartment, there will be a normal lift call button on their floor, and once inside the lift, the ground floor button will be free to use. |
Visitors Visitors will use the 2Smart panel to call the apartment that they wish to visit. When the resident presses the door release button on their monitor or handset, the front door will be opened via the iPassan system and the visitor will gain access to the building. At the same time, the button inside the lift that is related to the floor where the resident lives, will be enabled. When the visitor arrives at the lift, they will press the lift call button to call the lift to the ground floor. Once inside the lift they will press the button for the floor where the resident lives. When the visitor leaves the apartment, there will be a normal lift call button on the floor, and once inside the lift, the ground floor button will be free to use. |