How to create a counting zone in IPassan Manager?

The Ipassan system gives the possibility to manage the number of credentials in a zone. When the zone is full, it isn’t possible to enter another car or user until someone leaves.
An extra setting is useful to limit the number of car per company, per user or per apartment for
residential market.


How to create a counting zone in IPassan Manager?


Go to 'Equipment & settings'

Then drop down 'Features'

select 'Use zones':



Click save.

Then add a zone:



Add the entrances and exits of the zone by selecting doors/readers.  You can also adjust other setting and options for zones.  Details can be found in the manual linked at the end of this article.



You can run view the zone here:



and run reports here:



For more information abouts zones and setting please take a look at Section 3.10 in the manual below (Page 58), it goes into more detail about zones and settings.