How to Program Neutral Keys Using a Sinthesi Steel Reader

This article shows you how to program neutral tokens online using a Sinthesi Steel reader.


Watch the video below to see what happens to the LEDs when you present a neutral token to a Sinthesi Steel reader.


We've broken down the steps for you below so you can refer back to these at any time:

Step 1 Present the ‘Event token’ to the reader first. The LED on the reader will display solid green, and when you remove the token after 5 seconds the LED will turn off.
Step 2 Then, you may present the ‘Neutral tokens’. Each time you present a token the LED will turn solid red and then turn off once removed.
Step 3 After all 3 keys have been presented, you need to present the original ‘Event token’ at this point the reader LED will go out and normal operation will resume.